Just add a photo and a short description, is there a but? It is best to show the product through good photos and carefully prepar descriptions that should be written in the language of benefits for customers, not for algorithms and the Amazon search engine. I would advise adding photos. Infographics also work very well - it is worth investing in one that will present the most important features of the product in an accessible form. How to sell on amazon - graphics Source samazon.de Is there anything else we can do to make the offer more attractive.
The three most important things are the photos, the title, and bullet points, which appear below the title to the right of the photos. Most often, the most important features of the product are Japan WhatsApp Number List describ in five sub-points, there is also information about the brand - everything that can encourage the customer to buy. As I have already mention, descriptions and titles should be written for the client, but you also ne to pay attention to the use of appropriate keywords that will help position this product. So Amazon also has an internal search algorithm and is bas on the keywords us in the descriptions.
Yes, at the beginning it is best to include the most important keywords, and over time the algorithm will learn - bas on sales data - which phrases are worth positioning the product for. It is worth noting here that - to put it bluntly - Amazon wants to earn. If he notices that we will give him profits, he will send customers to our offer. if we'll let it make money? What factors does he take into account when analyzing the offer? First of all, the conversion caus by your product and customer reviews - their quantity and quality. It's just like in any other marketplace, at the beginning you have to earn a brand, and then make sure to maintain a high level of service or offers on the platform.