You see, this “nine month” timeline is dishonest. Yes that's right. (And since then, revenue has nearly doubled.) But that doesn't take into account everything it takes to get someone to that point of opportunity. I can write. Very well. In an extremely limited scenario . (Emphasis on extreme .) I cheat. I have nearly a decade of practical experience Jordan Phone Number List in the field. I studied it at school. Was even a good student. I have an MBA. (With the debt to prove it.) Then I had a few jobs. Internally at various locations. Implement and learn and iterate daily. Then I left to start my own business. Then hired employees. I had to figure out how to Jordan Phone Number List manage, scale, sell, budget, etc. The point is that there is an intersection. When you combine writing with something you're generally interested in and already good at, you win. It requires an incredibly high degree of self-awareness. (A weighted critique that doesn't turn into the self-loathing common to writers.)
Freelance writing by self-hating writers Almost, yeah. Almost everything you do has to be specialized in some way. The clients you work with. The Jordan Phone Number List types of sites you want to write for. The writing you do. Etc. I can't write fiction. The New Yorker laughed in my face. Never written for just one "real" magazine. The length of a book scares me. And I feel like the biggest cheat and hack in the world when I send these articles to someone who can actually write and has been published in The New Yorker . But I can write a blog post. A few thousand words, in a sarcastic Jordan Phone Number List and concise manner. For people who are okay if there are a few inappropriate jokes. And that's about it. I suck at everything else. Which rules out 99.9% of people and clients who might like what I do (and be willing to pay for it). Case in point: The first time a new client read an eBook I submitted, she replied, “It reads like an article.”
Well yeah. 4. Find a market that already exists A Jordan Phone Number List good sales close rate is around 25%. Yours should be closer to 75%+. Not because you're good at sales. But because you discovered where this specialization works best. (Or the unicorn “product + fit” that techs rave about.) Here's the thing. You cannot invent the market. It exists or not. Beware of people and Jordan Phone Number List companies who want to "create a market" for their product or service. Lack of competition is a worrying and dangerous sign.