Those nostalgic for the old powers and the old inter-class relations gradually grew stronger as the government of the mas was weakening due to the natural wear and tear of its prolonged permanence in power, the mistakes it was making and the limitations it was mobile phone number list revealing. Being «antimasista» became a sign of social and racial status, and therefore began to be internalized by the lower middle classes as an «aspirational» element, that is, as a mechanism for social advancement. What were the mistakes it made and the limitations revealed by mobile phone number list the mas government ?
His "electoralism", which ended up reducing the social process to a succession of triumphs at the polls and the preservation of power at all costs, even with mobile phone number list authoritarian methods; his «peasantism», which should be understood as a relative deafness in the face of the demands of the urban sectors; the cooptation of him by a dome of unconditional "evistas"; the corruption and bureaucratization of it; his ideological indecision between extreme mobile phone number list pragmatism and "national-Stalinism"7and, above all, his caudillismo. With his political, economic, and governmental success,
Morales became the most important caudillo in a mobile phone number list country that had been full of them; a country in which, according to its most creative sociologist, René Zavaleta, "the caudillo is the way the masses organize themselves"8. The centrality of the president and the state cult of his personality reached levels just as high as those reached by other great national leaders, such as Víctor Paz Estenssoro or José María Linares.